The Someone You Should Know Podcast
"Making a difference...One artist at a time". There are so many talented performers who will never get the airtime on the radio they deserve. This podcast will introduce you to those talented performers and reintroduce you to some old friends with new projects. We will also reminisce with some movie, TV stars, musicians, and comedians from my 25-year archive of radio guests. So sit back, relax have a cold one as I join me as I introduce you to "Someone You Should Know."
The Someone You Should Know Podcast
Episode 104 - Jonkis / Kardang
In the past year, this podcast has gone international with guests from Canada, Mexico, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and this time Norway. This five-piece rock band from Scandinavia brings back the 80s hair-metal sound that many of us never grew out of. The band is Kardang, and from the band is one of their guitarists, Jonkis, this time on Someone You Should Know.
Buy Rik a cold one
Click here to go to Kardang's Facebook page
Click here to go to Kardang's Instagram page
Click here to go to Kardang on Spotify
Click here to go to Kardang on Apple Music
All music used by permission from the artist
Someone You Should Know 2023 // CatGotYourTongueStudios 2023
How to Contact Us:
Official Website:
TikTok: @SomeoneYouShouldKnow2023
Thank you for listening!
Theme music "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod was used per the standard license agreement.